Landmark retailer: Kitcheners of Hereford

  • Kitcheners of Hereford is now a Blum UK landmark retailer featuring SPACE TOWER in our showroom – the ultimate solution for larder units.

    Kitcheners is now owned and run by John and Matt Bryant who are a father and son team. They both have many years experience in the manufacturing and retailing of kitchens and have combined their knowledge to form a specialist kitchen replacement business that prides itself on offering value for money. John Bryant formed his original kitchen company in 1981 and turned it into a very large and successful, multi showroom manufacturing company that he eventually sold in 1997. A year later, he decided to start again from a single family run outlet in Hereford where he could enjoy a more hands on approach, and keep involved with his customers.

  • Website:
  • Call: 01432 817198
  • Email:
  • Address: Kitcheners of Hereford, Unit 6, The Old Railway Sidings Estate, Mortimer Road, Hereford, HR4 9SP
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